Metal bonded diamond honing sticks are today's generations requirement due to particularly high life output and low cost per component. These are useful mainly for cast iron applications, super finishing carbide honing, S.G. iron, other alloy application and non ferrous products.
Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) is the second hardest material after diamond. CBN has high thermal and wear resistance for which it is recommended for honing of low carbon steel and alloy steels. CBN honing sticks do not get loaded or glazed. They provide a very consistent finish all throughout the honing operation. CBN honing sticks can remove high stock at a faster rate of 40-90 m/min. CBN honing sticks have a very high wear resistance and tool life of 20 times more than conventional abrasives. We have developed special CBN honing sticks which can suit all manual operated and automatic machines.